New Plants for 2025 | Vite Greenhouses
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March 12, 2025

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New Plants for 2025 - Displayed by Common Name in Ascending Order - Page 1 of 3

 Full Sun - 258 plants found. Generated on 03/12/2025. Display Plant Images OnlyPrinter-Friendly List

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Common Name
Botanical Name
nail Image
Greenhouse LocationContainer Size(s)Flower ColorFoliage ColorAnnual/ PerennialExposureBloom SeasonHeightSpreadHardiness Zone
(See Map)
AlternantheraAlternanthera dentata
1. Little Ruby™
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Little Ruby™ Alternanthera is the perfect mounding ground cover with a compact, spreading habit and deep burgundy foliage, making it a real stand out plant in the garden. It is approximately a third the height of the common form. This Alternanthera loves humidity, but can also tolerate frost better than most forms.
3B-S4½" Wh 12"-16"12"-18"n/a
 Alternanthera hybrid
2. FanciFillers™ Choco Chili
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This very heat tolerant dark purple foliage combines well with almost anything for summertime combination containers and baskets. The foliage is a nearly black-purple on top and a bright ruby on the bottom giving a multi-dimensional look. The vigorous upright, spreading habit arches over the edge of the containers and mingles well with other annuals.

The plants are naturally compact with outstanding branching. The plants are incredibly heat tolerant and will make fantastic garden plants in the heat. Foliage color is darkest under full sun conditions.

3B-S4½" Wh 8"-12"12"-18"n/a
AvensGeum coccineum
3. Pumpkin Orange
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A truly unique flower shape and the best part; more stems than you've ever seen will produce vibrant orange flowers that rebloom continuously from spring into early autumn.

Flowers emerge as small pom-poms which mature into fabulous, flaming torches - like two blooms on one plant. Perfect for bouquets or vases as well as an ideal way to elevate containers and borders. Several blooms are held high on each wiry stem above pretty mounds of attractive, weed-suppressing foliage. Beneficially slug, deer and rabbit resistant for those of you to whom this can be an issue, and much loved by our pollinating friends.Geum 'Orange Pumpkin' is an easy-going plant which prefers moist, well-drained soil in sun or part shade.

11C-N8" TC 16"-20"12"-14"5-9
Baby's BreathGypsophila paniculata
4. Festival® White Flare
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Tiny, semi-double white flowers bloom all summer on dense, compact mounds of linear, dark green foliage. More upright than other Baby's Breath. Hardy in the heat in sun.
9C-S8" Gr 24"-36"12"-24"4-9
BasilOcimum basilicum
5. Everleaf™ Lemon
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Bring bright, lemon flavor to your table all season long with this late-flowering basil. This herb is a great addition to dressings, marinades and salads. Upright plants deliver an abundant harvest. Performs well in-ground and in containers.
8D-N4" Gr 24"-36"8"-12"n/a
6. Everleaf™ Thai Tower
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This gorgeous basil plant has masses of green leaves with occasional purple flecks and soft purple stems that will brighten up any vegetable garden or mixed container. Its aromatic and vibrant licorice flavor complements any dish, especially Thai cuisine. Late-flowering habit means huge harvests of flavorful leaves throughout Summer.
8D-N4" Gr 24"-36"8"-12"n/a
Bear's BreechesAcanthus mollis
7. Morning Candle
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'Morning Candle' is a splendid free-flowering, sturdy-stemmed selection of Bear's Breech, from Holland's Dirk de Winter of New Generation Plants. It is reportedly a hybrid of Acanthus spinosus and Acanthus mollis.

The compact, deer-resistant clumps are topped with up to a dozen 5' tall flower spikes of purple-hooded white flowers above wide clumps of shiny, deeply scalloped, dark green leaves. Very floriferous and drought tolerant.

11C-S8" TC 27"-30"24"-36"6-9
Begonia (Angelwing)Begonia interspecific
8. Dragon Wing® Pink Bronze Leaf
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Vigorous and heat tolerant with abundant pink flowers on bronze foliage all summer, great plant to fill open shady spaces. Unique and beautiful arching, pendulous habit is spectacular in hanging baskets, large containers and commercial landscape plantings. Best performance in partial sun (4 hours or less per day).
1B-N*Multi* 12"-15"15"-18"9-11
9. Dragon Wing® Red Bronze Leaf
Vigorous and heat tolerant with abundant red flowers on bronze foliage all summer, great plant to fill open shady spaces. Unique and beautiful arching, pendulous habit is spectacular in hanging baskets, large containers and commercial landscape plantings. Best performance in partial sun (4 hours or less per day).
1B-N*Multi* 12"-15"15"-18"9-11
Begonia (Tuberous)Begonia x boliviensis
10. Sun Cities™ Santa Cruz®
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Prepare to be dazzled by the big, wide-open blooms, handsome foliage, and nonstop flowering of this new trailing Begonia! Santa Cruz™ Sunset is an exciting choice for any climate, especially hot, long-summer areas that have stressed other Begonias. With blooms from spring until frost, it's ready to dazzle in baskets and planters!
 10" HB 12"-16"16"-20"n/a
Bellflower (aka Canterbury Bells)Campanula medium
11. Champion II Deep Blue
This gorgeous cottage beauty has been improved. Tall 2½ -3 foot stems sport lovely deep purple cup-shaped blooms throughout summer. An outstanding bedding plant, Champion II Deep Blue is also ideal in mixed containers providing height and interest.

Campanula makes a nice addition to a cut-flower production in that it offers a bountiful crop in spring to early summer, often in the gap between early spring crops and summer annuals. Stems are sturdy and add structure, bulk, and visual interest to bouquets.

5C-N4" GrBiennial 27"-35"5"-6"n/a
12. Champion II Pink
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This gorgeous cottage beauty has been improved. Tall 2½ -3 foot stems sport lovely candy-pink cup-shaped blooms throughout summer. An outstanding bedding plant, Champion Pink is also ideal in mixed containers providing height and interest.

Campanula makes a nice addition to a cut-flower production in that it offers a bountiful crop in spring to early summer, often in the gap between early spring crops and summer annuals. Stems are sturdy and add structure, bulk, and visual interest to bouquets.

5C-N4" GrBiennial 27"-35"5"-6"n/a
BidensBidens ferulifolia
13. Campfire® Marshmallow
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Strong heat tolerance and pure white, self-cleaning flowers that set little seed are the highlights of this all-season bloomer. Large blossoms on densely mounded plants are highly attractive to pollinators.
1C-S4½" Wh 8"-14"10"-16"9-11
Blanket FlowerGaillardia aristata
14. SpinTop™ Mango
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For vibrant color, try the newest addition to the early blooming Spintop series. Radiant orange flowers with serrated yellow tips bloom over compact and uniform foliage all summer long.
10C-N8" Gr  8"-12"12"-14"5-9
BluebeardCaryopteris incana
15. Sunshine Blue® II (‘SMNCVH’)
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Improved yellow-leaf caryopteris. Sunshine Blue® II caryopteris is a new, improved cultivar. It replaces the original Sunshine Blue® caryopteris as it has proven in our trials to be brighter, hardier, and more adaptable. Vivid yellow foliage holds up to the heat of summer and offers bold, beautiful contrast when blue flowers begin to appear in late summer. Also known as blue mist spirea, despite the fact that it is not remotely related to Spiraea.
SC-16PWCC #3 Pot 32"-36"32"-36"5-9
Blueberry (early season)Vaccinium corymbosum
16. Sky Dew Gold (‘ANDVAL1601’)
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Sky Dew® Gold ornamental blueberry has such appealing bright gold foliage that the flowers and berries are almost an afterthought. Its display gets even more interesting as the summer nights start to cool, and the golden foliage starts taking on rich hues of orange and red. The affect is simply thrilling; seeing something so colorful and cheerful puts a smile on your face.
9C-NPWCC #1 Pot 24"-48"36"-48"4-8
Bluestem (Big)Andropogon gerardii
17. Dancing Wind
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This wonderful selection of native prairie grass will reach five to six feet tall with foliage that develops red highlights, then turns burgundy-copper in fall; deep red flowers held on red stems in late summer; plant in full sun for best color.
12C-S8" TC 36"-6'24"-36"3-9
18. Rain Dance
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Red-tipped foliage, deeper green than the species, turns totally maroon in fall. Red flowers on red stems.
12C-S8" TC 36"-6'24"-36"3-9
Butterfly BushBuddleia x
19. Chrysalis™ Blue
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Bred and selected for its abundance of flowers that attract butterflies. Compact series provides continuous blooming from Spring through late Summer. Root hardy to USDA Zone 5 and stem hardy in warmer locations. Tolerant of rain and has a high drought tolerance once established. Downy mildew resistant.
9C-S8" TC 20"-28"18"-24"5-9
20. Chrysalis™ Cranberry
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Bred and selected for its abundance of flowers that attract butterflies. Compact series provides continuous blooming from Spring through late Summer. Root hardy to USDA Zone 5 and stem hardy in warmer locations. Tolerant of rain and has a high drought tolerance once established. Downy mildew resistant.
9C-S8" TC 20"-28"18"-24"5-9
21. Chrysalis™ Pink
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Bred and selected for its abundance of flowers that attract butterflies. Compact series provides continuous blooming from Spring through late Summer. Root hardy to USDA Zone 5 and stem hardy in warmer locations. Tolerant of rain and has a high drought tolerance once established. Downy mildew resistant.
9C-S8" TC 20"-28"18"-24"5-9
22. Chrysalis™ White
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Bred and selected for its abundance of flowers that attract butterflies. Compact series provides continuous blooming from Spring through late Summer. Root hardy to USDA Zone 5 and stem hardy in warmer locations. Tolerant of rain and has a high drought tolerance once established. Downy mildew resistant.
9C-S8" TC 20"-28"18"-24"5-9
Cabbage (Red)Brassica oleracea var. capitat
23. Red Jewel
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Red Jewel’s beautiful garnet color makes it a standout at the table; tall plants and great yield make it a standout in the garden. Mature heads are round, approximately 6 in. in diameter and weigh about 3-3.5 lb. A high yielder with uniform maturity. Ideal for eating fresh, cooking, canning or pickling.
7D-SFlat (48-Ct)   24"-30"16"-24"n/a
CalibrachoaCalibrachoa hybrid
24. Superbells Magic Pink Lemonade
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This dynamic plant shifts its coloration through the seasons as it reacts to varying light levels and daylength. The large blossoms open lemon yellow and transition to a vibrant pink, with both colors continuously present at once on the plant. Its fully mounded habit results in fabulous containers, but this colorful calibrachoa is also easy to mix with other annuals in container recipes. Like all Superbells, it blooms continuously all season without deadheading.
1D-S4½" Wh 6"-12"12"-24"9-10
Calla LilyZantedeschia x
25. Fresco®
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Fresco® is a white calla lily. The leaves are green with whitish spots and have a leathery texture. Calla Lilies are often used by florists.
4B-STd Gal-TC 14"-18"14"-18"8-10
26. Izzy Mae®
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Bright yellow flowers contrast beautifully with the dark green leaves. Genetically short, great for containers.
4B-STd Gal-TC 15"-18"14"-18"8-10
27. Miro®
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Bicolor purple flowers with white edges. Specked dark green leaves have a leathery texture. Good for cuts and pots. 8-10 weeks to flower.
4B-STd Gal-TC 16"-20"12"-14"8-11
28. Royal Valentine®
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Deep red flowers with rich green, white spotted leaves. Good for cuts and pots. 10-12 weeks to flower.
4B-STd Gal-TC 14"-16"12"-14"9-10
29. Texas®
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Rosy-red flowers with speckled green leaves that have a unique burgundy edge.
4B-STd Gal-TC 15"-18"14"-18"8-10
CannaCanna x generalis
30. Cannova® Gold Leopard
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Brings the allure of the Caribbean right to your garden with its majestic, banana-like leaves and vibrant, exotic flowers. Great for landscapes and container plantings in full sun! Striking foliage contrasts with the flowers, making them an eye-catching option for mixed combinations or in-ground plantings.
4B-STrd Gal-Gr 30"-48"14"-20"8-10
31. Cannova® Rose Dark Bud
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Superb contrast of rose flowers with green foliage. High degree of uniformity with good branching habit and superior leaf quality along with high intensity colored blooms.
4B-STrd Gal-Gr 18"-36"10"-12"8-10
32. Cannova® Scarlet
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'Cannova® Scarlet' brings the allure of the Caribbean right to your garden with its majestic, banana-like leaves and vibrant, exotic scarlet red flowers. Great for landscapes and container plantings in full sun!
4B-STrd Gal-Gr 30"-48"14"-20"8-10
CarnationDianthus barbatus
33. Dart™ Pink Magician
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Unique multicolor pink and white blooms on a slightly compact plant. The plants look great in garden beds with good performance and with no need for staking.
5B-S4" Gr 6"-12"6"-8"4-9
Carnation (Border)Dianthus x
34. Everlast™ Ruby Edge
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Lovely and fragrant burgundy with pink Dianthus flushes early in spring, blooms late into summer, and flushes again in fall. It is extremely floriferous in each season. Gardeners will enjoy more days of color than with any other dianthus. Offers excellent performance in the roughest weather.
4B-NTrd Gal-Gr 8"-12"10"-14"5-9
35. Star Single™ Fire Star Improved
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A new improvement of a classic, tried-and-true industry icon. Same amazingly iridescent, vivid, red single flowers with a bold central eye pattern. Increased flower count and more compact than the original, resulting in a closer matched collection. Flower stems are sturdy and do not flop. Deadhead and feed regularly to encourage fast repeat blooming.

Bred for beautifully scented blooms and excellent garden performance. Pollinator magnet! Use in containers, borders, and mass landscape plantings.

4B-NTrd Gal-Gr 5"-7"7"-12"5-9
Cascade Hydrangea®Hydrangea x
36. Fairytrail® Green (‘WNHYDFBWMH’)
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The blooms of Fairytrail Green hydrangea are a cool, refreshing lime green. It has irresistible container presentation and impulse appeal, and makes a beautiful choice for landscapes, gardens, and decorative containers - even hanging baskets.
1A-NPWCC #1 Pot 48"48"-5'5-9
37. Fairytrail® White (‘WNHYDFBVYWMH’)
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Fairytrail White is a mophead version of the world-famous Fairytrail Bride hydrangea. It has irresistible container presentation and impulse appeal, and makes a beautiful choice for landscapes, gardens, and decorative containers - even hanging baskets.
1A-NPWCC #1 Pot 48"48"-5'5-9
CatmintNepeta x
38. Chartreuse on the Loose
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Chartreuse yellow foliage glows for three seasons out of the year! Contrasting clusters of lavender-blue flowers bloom early summer and unlike other Nepeta, this variety will continue to bloom into fall without being cut back.
9C-S8" Gr 8"-10"20"-24"4-9
CeleryApium graveolens
39. Tango
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A treat to eat, Tango produces tender, very smooth stalks that are sweet and not stringy. The stalks are great for calorie-free raw eating, or used in soups and stews; the seeds can be harvested for flavoring many recipes; and the leaves are great in salads and as a garnish.

Early, very heavy yielder with extremely smooth stalks. Excellent eating quality – tender, sweet and not stringy.

7D-SFlat (48-Ct)   18"-24"8"-12"n/a
CelosiaCelosia argentia plumosa nana
40. Flamma™ Orange
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You will have a great show of orange color all season long with Flama Orange. This compact variety has numerous branches, each with a strong flower plume, as well as secondary blooms, which give a long show of color in the garden. AAS Judges were impressed with the superior garden performance and how well it stood up to hot, humid, and rainy conditions during the trial season.

Not only does Flamma have exceptional heat tolerance but also stuns with its early flowers that won’t fade. Whether you decide to grow this in beds or in containers (it was trialed in both) you will have a great show of orange color all season long.

8D-SFlat (48-Ct) 8"-10"6"-7"n/a
41. Flamma™ Red
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The dwarf type of celosia boasts early and uniform flowering and a vigorous field performance. Its red flower plume colors stay bright without fading. Plants are very tolerant of hot and humid conditions.
8D-SFlat (48-Ct) 8"-10"6"-7"n/a
ChokeberryAronia melanocarpa
42. Low Scape® Snowfire (‘SMNAMPEM’)
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The award-winning Low Scape® series of aronia now includes Low Scape Snowfire®, the heaviest bloomer yet. WIth a versatile 3-4' height and width, this durable native shrub can be used as a hedge, foundation planting, crowd control, wildlife gardens, just to name a few. Come spring, it's positively snowed-under with white flowers, and that heavy bloom set results in an equally heavy fruit set come late summer/fall. Fall is also when the "fire" part of its name comes into play, when its foliage blazes red and orange.
 PWCC #3 Pot 36"-48"36"-48"3-9
ColeusColeus scutellarioides
43. ColorBlaze® Mini Me™ Chartreuse
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This wonderful new coleus for sun and shade features golden chartruese foliage, forming a very well-branched plant that works well in landscapes and containers. Like all ColorBlaze® coleus, it is bred to take the heat and bloom very late in the season, if at all, extending its garden performance into the fall. ColorBlaze Mini Me Chartreuse is a bright blast of color in a small package.
4D-NPW 2 Qt (6½")  12"-20"10"-18"10-11
 Plectranthus (Coleus) scutellarioides
44. Down Town™ Greenville
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Small, fine-textured, serrated leaf shape. Late flowering; compact habit, medium vigor and exceptional garden performance. Give small spaces a bold look.
4D-N6" Gr 12"-18"12"-18"10-11
 Solenostemon scutellarioides
45. Stained Glassworks® Golden Gate
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Burgundy foliage with a bright green scalloped edge. Great accent for sun and part shade arrangements.
4D-N6" Gr 16"-18"16"-18"8-10
46. Under the Sea™ Golden Guppy
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Foliage is golden with a ruffled green edge.
4D-N6" Gr  14"-18"14"-18"n/a
Coleus (Trailing)Plectranthus (Coleus) scutellarioides
47. ColorBlaze Cherry Drop
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Colorful green leaves have red venation with a bright red and yellow center. Coleus are usually upright plants, but ColorBlaze Cherry Drop has tendencies to mound up but also trail over the edge of a container or hanging basket, which makes it a great component plant for combination containers. The leaves are also petite, compared to the large foliage found on most coleus. May have blue flowers, but the plant looks best when it doesn't flower. It is grown for its foliage.

Trailing coleus are indispensable components for containers and landscapes, so we’re excited to add a new color option to our ColorBlaze Drop line. Small, intense red leaves with lime green edges form a dense, cascading mass. This outstanding new cultivar retains its vivid coloration when grown in both sun and shade. Plus, it’s propensity to bloom very late or not at all extends its garden performance all the way until frost.

4D-NPW 2 Qt (6½")  14"-18"18"-24"10
ConeflowerEchinacea purpurea
48. Prairie Blaze™ Vintage Lime
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A showy perennial wildflower that blooms heavily from mid-spring to late summer, often with sporadic blooms into fall. Early- and long-blooming, Prairie Blaze Vintage Lime sets daisyesque flowers with pink rays having lime-green tips. Borne on short, sturdy stems, the uniquely colored flowers make excellent, long-lasting cuts for floral arrangements and bouquets.

Left in the garden, the flowers attract bees and butterflies; and the dried end-of-season seed heads that follow provide sustenance for songbirds as well as interest for the winter garden.

12C-N8" Gr 14"-16"6"-8"4-9
49. Prairie Splendor™ Compact Dark Rose
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The 4-6" wide, dark rose flowers are presented atop compact, well-branched plants.
5D-S4" Gr 14"-24"6"-8"3-9
 Echinacea x
50. Alan’s Pride
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"Alan's Pride" is a botanical marvel with zesty lime-green flowers that stands a graceful 2' tall. This first-year flowering perennial, named in honor of the renowned plant breeder Alan Sparkes, adds a vibrant touch to your garden. Its unique beauty is a lively hub for pollinators, making it a resilient and prideful addition to your garden landscape. A 2022 Fleuroselect Novelty Award Winner for its unique color and first-year blooming habit.
5D-S4" Gr 22"-24"23"4-9
51. Artisan™ Brilliant Rose
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Provides a great display in the first year, with many seasons of incredible color thereafter. Flowers open rosy red and soften in color with age. Also a nice way to attract birds and butterflies.
5D-S4" Gr 24"-34"18"-25"4-10
52. Double Dipped™ Watermelon Sugar
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Double pompom flowers open magenta pink before maturing to a medium pink. Flowers are produced over a large rosette of foliage with almost no exposed stem.
12C-N8" TC 22"-26"20"-24"4-8
53. Double Scoop™ Strawberry Deluxe
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Saturated strawberry red, double pom-pom flowers that don’t bleach out as they age, putting on a sizzling hot show of color in the landscape.
12C-N8" TC 22"-24"18"-20"4-9
54. Double Scoop™ Watermelon Deluxe
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Double flower form is eye-catching. Features brilliantly colored blooms of hot pink with an almost black eye when first opening!
12C-N8" TC 22"-24"18"-20"4-9
55. SunSeekers™ Sweet Fuchsia
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The exquisite semi-double flowers of 'SunSeekers™ Sweet Fuchsia' are a bright fuchsia pink and are long-lasting, bloom on sturdy stems, and make excellent cut flowers. The nectar and seeds are an important source of food for pollinators and wildlife throughout the year.
12C-N8" TC 18"-24"12"-18"4-9
Coral BellsHeuchera
56. Changeling
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A most curious Heuchera! 'Changeling' is so named because of the unique characteristic of changing colors every week or so. From top to bottom, new color emerge. New foliage starts off blushing peach and cherry and changes to champagne and taupe, finally ending up several shades of celadon green, pine, and moss. The strong H. americana bloodline enhances this plant with a sharp, silver veil that highlights the contrasting veins.
4D-STd Gal-TC 8"-10"12"-14"4-9
57. Indian Summer Limeberry
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Compact mounds of shiny silver-gray foliage with burgundy undersides, pretty pink flowers in summer. Can be grown with minimal shade, great for combos.
4D-STd Gal-TC  12"-16"12"-16"4-9
58. Indian Summer Silverberry
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Compact mounds of shiny silver-gray foliage with burgundy undersides, pretty pink flowers in summer. Can be grown with minimal shade, great for combos.
4D-STd Gal-TC 14"-16"16"-18"4-9
 Heuchera x richardsonii
59. Northern Exposure™ Lime
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Terra Nova Nurseries sought out the most cold tolerant northern species from Canada for this hybrid. Northern Exposure™ ‘Lime’ is a great, medium large, long-lived landscape plant with a multiple crowns with round, lime green leaves that stay lime green all year. It forms a dense rounded mound and has attractive soft orange flowers, spring through summer. This plant rates in the excellent category for winter hardiness, heat, and humidity tolerance plus excellent resistance to Heuchera rust. Use in borders, mixed beds, woodland, or as an accent.
4D-STd Gal-TC 14"-16"18"-22"4-9
CosmosCosmos bipinnatus
60. Sensation™ Mix
Make a bold, beautiful splash in your flower garden with a florific celebration of rich-toned colorful blooms from midsummer on. ‘Sensation’s large, single daisylike flowers with yellow centers are magic in the border, or as cut flowers. Easy to grow plants tolerate poor soil and hot, humid conditions.
8D-SFlat (36-Ct) 42"-48"20"-25"n/a
CranesbillGeranium sanguineum
61. Frivolius™ Purple
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Selected for their compact habit and early spring flowering. Grows into an excellent ground cover with large purple flowers and long bloom time.
12C-N8" TC  8"-10"12"-18"3-8
CupheaCuphea procumbens
62. Totally Tempted® Frosted Violets™
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The self-cleaning, violet purple, blush pink rimmed blossoms of Totally Tempted™ Frosted Violets™ keep right on coming from spring to fall, providing a continuous nectar source for our winged friends.
2D-N4½" Wh 8"-16"12"-18"9-11
63. Totally Tempted® Richly Red™
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The self-cleaning, rich red flowers with a deep purple center of Totally Tempted™ Richly Red™ keep right on coming from spring to fall, providing a continuous nectar source for our winged friends.
2D-N4½" Wh 8"-16"12"-18"9-11
DahliaDahlia hybrid
64. Hypnotica® Candy Corn
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'Candy Corn' provides three seasons of interest, from spring to fall. It works well as a cut flower with flowers that start dark and mature to yellow with red and white tips.
2D-N4½" Wh 12"-18"12"-18"8-10
65. Hypnotica® Red Velvet
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Huge, velvety red flowers that grow quickly and keep coming month after month are the hallmark of this exciting new Dahlia series. Well-branched and tolerant of rain, heat, and mildew, these plants are lush and healthy, setting flowers on short stems that seldom need support.
2D-N4½" Wh 12"-18"12"-18"8-10
66. Karma™ Blue Lagoon
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Specifically bred for cut flower production; vigorous growth. Beautiful, vibrant blooms on lush green, strong, sturdy stems. Can be harvested at a tighter bud stage for better vase life of 7 to 12 days.
2D-N4½" Wh 36"-48"12"-18"8-10
67. Venti™ Royal Purple Imp
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Offers bigger blooms and a brighter purple color, with earlier, more fully double flowers. More floriferous for better landscape performance. Less sensitive to short-day tuber formation.
3C-N6" Gr 16"-18"16"-18"8-10
68. XXL™ Cozumel
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Lavender petals on enormous blooms, suitable for cutting as well as garden enjoyment -- this is what you can expect for months on end from XXL Cozumel! This gorgeous sun-lover is compact enough for containers, filling the available space with bright color and easy growth. Don't miss one of the best flowering plants for garden and patio!
3C-N6" Gr 12"-16"12"-24"9-11
 Dahlia variabilis
69. Virtuoso™ Classy Carmine™
Large, double, carmine red flowers are produced on proportional stems above the densely mounded foliage.
3C-N6" Gr 15"-18"12"-18"9-10
70. Virtuoso™ Classy Carmine™
Large, double, carmine red flowers are produced on proportional stems above the densely mounded foliage.
3C-N6" Gr 15"-18"12"-18"9-10
71. Virtuoso™ Dayglo Yellow™
Large, double, bright yellow flowers are produced on proportional stems above the densely mounded foliage.
3C-N6" Gr 15"-18"12"-18"9-10
72. Virtuoso™ Dayglo Yellow™
Large, double, bright yellow flowers are produced on proportional stems above the densely mounded foliage.
3C-N6" Gr 15"-18"12"-18"9-10
73. Virtuoso™ Pinkerific™
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Large, double, soft pink flowers are produced on proportional stems above the densely mounded foliage. There’s no need to wait until late summer to finally see blooms when you grow these exceptional garden dahlias.
3C-N6" Gr 15"-18"12"-18"9-10
74. Virtuoso™ Pinkerific™
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Large, double, soft pink flowers are produced on proportional stems above the densely mounded foliage. There’s no need to wait until late summer to finally see blooms when you grow these exceptional garden dahlias.
3C-N6" Gr 15"-18"12"-18"9-10
DaylilyHemerocallis hybrid
75. Be Fruitful and Multiply
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Huge 7", fiery red-orange flowers with a deeper red band and gold throat. Sculpted petals are delightfully ruffled and are of good substance, holding up well in the hot summer sun. Strong, well-branched scapes. Outstanding pest resistant foliage looks great all season long. Award winner.
10C-S8" TC 30"18"-24"3-9
76. Catcher in the Eye
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Lively lavender-purple blooms with deep purple eye and yellow throats; picotee edges. Early to midsummer brings up to 30 flowers per scape; reblooms. Prolific award winner.
10C-S8" TC 28"-30"18"-24"3-9
77. EveryDaylily® Red
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Early season bloomer; red flowers with yellow throats appear repeatedly all summer; dwarf habit and very hardy. A breakthrough series that can produce up to 400 blooms per season.
10C-S8" Gr 12"-15"12"-15"3-9
78. Hanalei Bay
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A prolific rebloomer that bears up to 25 gorgeous 6" blooms per plant. Each beige-pale pink flower features a wide blue-purple band that matches a mesmerizing eye zone. Lusciously ruffled, overlapping petals create a rounded form that attracts garden visitors and charming butterflies alike. Early-mid.
10C-S8" Gr 18"-24"18"-24"3-9
79. Lies and Lipstick
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Large, sweetheart pink 5.5" flowers flaunt rosy red eyes, ruffled red edges, and golden throats. A profuse bloomer with an impressive number of buds per stem. Rebloomer. Tetraploid.
10C-S8" TC 24"-36"18"-24"3-9
80. Pink Stripes
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Early-mid, one of the very first brush stroke pattern daylilies on the market. 7" magenta-rose flowers streaked with shades of pink and cream are accented with a gold-orange throat. Tall stems show off the reblooming flowers even from a distance. Award winner.
10C-S8" TC 24"-30"18"-24"3-9
81. Rainbow Rhythm® Blood Sweat and Tears
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'Blood, Sweat and Tears' is aptly named to reference the years of hard work by renowned breeder Karol Emmerich to find a truly exceptional red daylily. Massive 6" raspberry red flowers are complemented by a wide rosy pink eye that leads to a yellow throat. A thin white margin edges each petal. Flowers are held on proportionate scapes, just above the foliage. There are no hardiness concerns with this red daylily as it was bred and selected in Minnesota.
10C-SPW #2 Pt 28"18"-24"3-9
82. Rainbow Rhythm® Persian Ruby
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An easily recognizable daylily that's a must-have for your garden! Deep purplish red, spoon-shaped flowers are massive – nearly 8" across. The large green throat is a nice contrast to the dark petals. Compared to the popular 'Ruby Spider', flowers are more purple in color. 'Persian Ruby' demands attention when it explodes with flowers in midsummer thanks to its high bud count.
10C-SPW #2 Pt 30"18"-24"3-9
83. Rainbow Rhythm® Star of the North
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A uniquely shaped daylily that is easily recognizable in a crowd. Triangular, pale yellow petals have a large wine purple eye and a razor thin wine purple edge. An improved 'El Desperado', this variety has an improved flower form, a higher bud count, good branching, rebloom, and a slightly earlier bloom season compared to its predecessor.
10C-SPW #2 Pt 34"18"-24"3-9
84. Rainbow Rhythm® Tiger Swirl
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This new and exciting variety stands out from the rest of the daylilies with its uniquely shaped petals. Huge, 6.5in triangular-shaped flowers are light golden yellow with a pronounced raspberry red eye. Its bottom sepals are smooth, often twisting or curling into a “swirling” motion. This is the perfect companion to ‘Primal Scream’, matching its spider-like look. Daylilies are a perfect landscape plant and possibly the most care-free and easiest perennials to grow.
10C-SPW #2 Pt 32"18"-24"3-9
Delphinium (Chinese)Delphinium grandiflorum
85. Hunky Dory™ Blue
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Hunky Dory Blue has beautiful blue blooms and lush green foliage. Ideal for mass plantings and great in containers and borders.
5C-S4" Gr 16"-24"10"-12"4-7
DideltaDidelta x
86. FanciFillers™ Silver Strand
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A bullet proof summer performer, Silver Strand is a spreading succulent subshrub that is indestructible in the summer months. The semi trailing habit makes this an ideal component plant in hanging baskets and container gardens for a splash of velvety, silver color.

Velvety succulent foliage provides lovely silver color to contrast against flowery, green-leaved plants. Upright stems spread outwards, making a great filler for summer containers and hanging baskets, thriving in dry, hot conditions. Best used as an annual in most climates.

3C-S4½" Wh  8"-10"16"-20"n/a
DillAnethum graveolens
87. Dukat
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Produces much higher yields of foliage than other dill varieties. The dark green, ferny leaves also have a distinct, strong aroma that adds depth to any fish, vegetable or pasta dish. Vigorous plants are topped with very large umbels.
8D-N4" Gr 30"-40"18"-24"8
Dogwood (Tatarian)Cornus alba
88. Sgt. Pepper™ (‘Verpaalen2’)
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Sgt. Pepper dogwood (Cornus alba) is the cure for the dogwood doldrums! The clean green and white variegated foliage emerges in spring with vivid pink tones. In summer, those give way to white and green, until the shorter nights of late summer usher in a return of pink, and all the formerly white leaf margins transform to a bright pink. The stems also begin to turn a lovely deep red then for unforgettable color. This is such an incredibly pretty and unique dogwood that is sure to have major impulse appeal at the garden center. It's almost like a tri-color beech in dogwood form! We are delighted this unique European variety has been made available in North America.
SB-8PWCC #3 Pot 48"-6'6'-8'3-7
Echibeckia™x Echinacea Rudbeckia
89. Summerina® Sizzling Sunset
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Summerina® Sizzling Sunset Echibeckia™ has masses of beautiful yellow daisy flowers with dark brown eyes and crimson centers at the ends of the stems from early summer to mid fall, which are most effective when planted in groupings. The flowers are excellent for cutting. Its serrated pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season.
9C-N8" Gr 18"-24"12"-18"6-10
False SunflowerHeliopsis helianthoides
90. Sole Scuro
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Great contrast between the relatively dark foliage and the bright orange and yellow flowers. Compact and upright habit.
9C-S8" TC 16"-20"16"-20"4-9
91. Summer Eclipse
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The best compact Heliopsis of its type is a wonderful addition to any sunny landscape. The dark burgundy-green foliage is topped with orange and yellow bicolor flowers and will bloom from early Summer until Fall.
9C-S8" TC 24"-30"24"-30"4-9
Floss FlowerAgeratum houstonianum
92. Kona™ Blue
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Mid-blue colored blooms on a mounded habit. This sun-loving annual performs well in full or part sun, and in hot and humid conditions. Excellent for pots and border plantings.
8D-SFlat (48-Ct) 5"-6"9"-10"9-11
Fountain GrassPennisetum alopecuroides
93. Cayenne™
This grass forms a dense clump of foliage as tall as it is wide. The narrow, green leaves turn a stunning golden color in the fall. In late summer, smoky-rose, bottlebrush-like plumes measuring 6-8 inches or longer are produced.
12C-S8" Gr 36"-42"48"-54"5-9
94. Etouffee™
This grass forms a dense clump of foliage as tall as it is wide. The narrow, green leaves turn a stunning golden color in the fall. In late summer, smoky-rose, bottlebrush-like plumes measuring 6-8 inches or longer are produced.
12C-S8" Gr 36"-42"48"-54"5-9
95. Praline™
This grass forms a dense clump of foliage as tall as it is wide. The narrow, green leaves turn a stunning golden color in the fall. In late summer, smoky-rose, bottlebrush-like plumes measuring 6-8 inches or longer are produced.
12C-S8" Gr 36"-42"48"-54"5-9
FoxgloveDigitalis purpurea
96. Candy Mountain Rose
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A rare first! 'Candy Mountain' is the first foxglove ever to have upward-facing flowers instead of the usual downward-facing ones. With this new angle, viewers can easily see the beautifully speckled throats of these rose pink blossoms. They are produced on very strong, strictly upright stems in early summer. This variety is a biennial.
6B-N4" Gr 36"-48"12"-24"4-9
Geranium (Regal; Martha Washington)Pelargonium x domesticum
97. Elegance™ Claret
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An early blooming, colorful geranium with gorgeous tissue paper blossoms in red shades that is perfect for an Easter hostess gift or gorgeous color for Mother's Day.
4B-N8" TC 8"-12"12"-15"8-10
98. Elegance™ Rose Bicolor
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This cultivar features pansy-like blooms with lower petals of cotton candy pink (occasionally with a solitary fuchsia blotch) and upper petals of deep fuchsia with a maroon base and soft pink edges.
4B-N8" TC 8"-12"12"-15"8-10
Geranium (Seed)Pelargonium x hortorum
99. Pinto™ Premium Rose Bi-color
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Pinto™ Premium Rose Bicolor offers giant flowerheads, absolutely brilliant, with petals of richest rose daubed with white in a hand-painted look. Brilliant above the emerald-green foliage starred with near-black zonal patterns, these blooms are long-lasting even in punishing summer weather.
3D-N4" Gr 13"-15"12"-14"n/a
Geranium (Zonal)Pelargonium interspecific
100. Calliope® Large Dark Salmon
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A revolutionary breakthrough in geranium breeding, bring the best features of ivy and zonal geraniums into one series. Extremely well-branched, vigorous mounding habit is ideal for baskets, large pots and landscape applications. Large Semi-double flowers with stunning dark salmon color; blooms in full sun or part shade locations.
3B-S4½" Wh 16"-20"20"-24"9-11
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