What's New in 2025 | Vite Greenhouses
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2610 Redbud Trail
Niles, MI 49120
Mon-Fri:8a - 8p8a - 8p9a - 1p
Saturday:8a - 6p8a - 8p9a - 1p
March 28, 2025

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What's New in 2025

Aquatics Plants
We have heard your requests for acquatics plants and are really excited to have them available this spring. We'll have both annual and perennials, and some really beatiful Lotus and Water Lilies. You will find all our pond and aquatic plant offerings under the "Pond/Acquatics" menu above. You can learn more by clicking here.
New Introductions
The new 'Lemon Slice' Superbells® Calibrachoa from Proven Winners® is just one of dozens of new varieties of annual and perennial plants we are offering this spring. Check out the other new plants at Vite Greenhouses by clicking the "New for 2025" menu item under the "All Plants" menu above or by clicking here.

Grafted Vegetable Plants
What is a grafted vegetable plant?

Grafted vegetables are created when the top part of one plant (the scion) is attached to the root system of a separate plant (the rootstock). The rootstock contributes vigor and disease resistance while the scion is chosen for fruit flavor and quality. Grafting has been used in agriculture for centuries to improve plant health and yield (fruit trees and grape vines are two familiar examples). Grafted vegetables are currently widespread in Asia and Europe among produce growers and are gaining popularity in the US, especially with organic farmers.

Country Living Gardener "Editor's Choice" Plants

Country Living Gardener is the fastest-growing gardening/lifestyle magazine in America. An exciting new program has been created by the editors of Country Living Gardener called "Editors Choice". This program features just 15 plants, and Vite Greenhouses is pleased to offer each of them.  Read more...

P. Allen Smith's Platinum Plant Collection for 2025
Gardening expert P. Allen Smith is a renowned and respected authority when it comes to plants. So when he makes a recommendation, you can be sure it will be a winner in your garden. He has recently chosen the 25 Proven Winners varieties which are his personal favorites, and he will be showcasing these superior varieties in magazine articles, during book tours and TV appearances. You can find each of them at Vite GreenhousesRead more...

Hard Goods and Specialty Products
Create a stunning visual display of your home with top-lit hanging baskets! These hanging baskets, called "i3 Planters" (Integrating Illumination with Irrigation) have a low-voltage light aimed downward toward your plants for creating a beautiful nighttime display. They also come pre-configured for drip irrigation. Talk about 100% enjoyment and NO work or worries! Learn more...

Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation for your containers. Take away the hastle of watering your hanging baskets, containers, and even gardens. We installed drip irrigation last summer at our homes, and were so pleased with the performance and ease we wanted to make it available to our customers. Forget about watering, dragging hoses, REMEMBERING to water! Drip irrigation, when used with a timer, waters your containers when they need to be watered. Our containers were more beautiful than ever last summer. Yours can be too! Learn more...

"The Stradivarius of Windchimes®"
We have chimes you won't find at the box stores. And for good reason... they are not your "run-of-the-mill" chimes. When you visit us, you will be greeted by perhaps the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard coming from wind chimes. The chimes are all hand-crafted, and the tones coming from them are "symphonic" quality. Hearing is believing! Learn more...

Worm Castings

Worm Castings are the richest natural fertilizer known to humans. That's right: as little as a tablespoon of pure worm castings provides enough organic plant nutrients to feed a 6" potted plant for more than two months. Learn more...


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